In Person Certification Overview

Created by the world-renowned athletes of the World Freerunning Parkour Federation, the WFPF Certification Program was carefully developed to encourage the creative, grass roots nature of Parkour, while also establishing safe practices and a common vocabulary of movement for progressive instruction to students of all ages.  The WFPF Certification Program, the only Parkour certification developed in partnership with a major insurance underwriter, is the gold standard for the safe and practical instruction of Parkour. It is therefore required that all USAP member gyms have a minimum of two trainers on staff, with at least one overseeing all classes and open gyms at the facility at all times.  

Master trainer and WFPF Certification Director, Robbie Corbett, is a lifelong practitioner and teacher of many disciplines, including Parkour/Freerunning.  Along with our other WFPF Master trainers, Ben Jenkin, Justin Sheaffer, Daniel Arroyo, Marvin Ross, Sam Parham, Fernando Arce the goal is to keep the certification program fun, rigorous, informative, and up-to-date while ensuring the continued growth of parkour as a transformational discipline.

Where are certification workshops held?

The 3-day intensive certification can be held at any qualifing facility around the world .  Contact us to see how your facility can apply to HOST a WFPF Certification at your gym.

Who attends WFPF Certification workshops?

How much does WFPF In person and online Certification courses cost?

The standard Certification (Level 1&2 required for insurance coverage) costs $695 per student.  Below are some common exceptions:

  • USAP member gyms who have joined our insurance program pay only $295 per student
  • All WFPF affiliate athletes pay only $495 per student
  • All USAP member gym employees pay affiliate rate of only $295 per student per level
  • A group (outside of the hosting gym's employment) of four or more (at $495) receive one full scholarship for a fifth student.  


What are the benefits of the WFPF Instructor certification?

  • Each student receives a virtual Certificate  
  • Certified instructors are listed in the WFPF online instructor registry, enabling USAP gyms to contact them directly for jobs
  • All USAP member gyms must have a MINIMUM of TWO WFPF certified Level 2 instructors to be eligible to receive the benefits of USAP member insurance. As USAP requires a 1:10 Certified Instructor to student ratio, you will likely need to increase your number of Certified Instructors as your class numbers grow.
  • For a yearly renewal fee of $50, certified instructors receive regular updates, merchandise discounts, suggestions on how to market themselves, and discounts on next-level certifications, including "judging certification" for WFPF Sanctioned Competitions.  NOTE:  Certified instructors who are currently inactive as Parkour trainers may "freeze" their WFPF certification at no cost.  Those WFPF certified trainers who remain inactive for more than one year and wish to renew will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.  For questions, please contact

Becoming a host gym?

  • Host gyms must be approved by WFPF as having all equipment necessary to hold the certification.  
  • Host gyms must provide 3 days of sufficient space in exchange for one free scholarship depending on the number of students
  • Host gyms are expected to help market the certification so that at least 10 paying students are registered
  • Host gyms are encouraged to find housing for 1 or 2 USAP Master trainers or pay a housing allowance
  • Gyms are encouraged to host certifications in the days immediately before or after holding a WFPF Sanctioned Competition to increase enrollment for the certification
  • For more information or to inquire about hosting a WFPF Certification at your facility, please contact us at

Online Levels 1&2 Instructor, Ninja, Tag and Judging Competition Certifications

Starting Oct. 1, 2022, each member gym will be entitled to two online Certification "credits" per term, which can be used to Certify two new instructors, or "Renew and Re-educate" two previously Certified Instructors, either of which will satisfy the basic Certification requirement. In-person Certifications will still be held on a regular basis across the U.S. and Canada, offering Level 1, 2 and 3 as well as Trampoline and other advanced Certs not currently available online. In addition, new Safety Certs will be offered online for Ninja and Tag, which will be required for all Instructors participating in those disciplines, whether in a class or competition setting. Finally, low-cost online Judging Certifications will be offered and required for all those acting as judges at USA Parkour Sanctioned (i.e. "covered") competitions. To find out more about Certifications or to register for an in-person event, click this link:

Assistant Certifications

All instructors not covered by one of the above-mentioned Certifications and who are involved in any way in the teaching of Parkour at your club must take the online Assistant Certification. The cost for this test is $50 per individual, and may be re-taken up to 3 times for that price. To take the Assistantt Certification, click this link:

For further information or to register for an online certification, go to, hover on the "Instructor Certifications" tab on the Nav bar and click on "Online Certifications".


(c) 2014 USA Parkour – Privacy Policy

DISCLAIMER: USA Parkour is not a licensed insurance broker, but rather can offer comprehensive parkour coverage under our umbrella policy to any Certified USA Parkour Gym as a benefit of membership.